5 Fat-Burning Foods That BOOST Your Metabolism

Without fail, one of the most common questions that I hear is, “How can I boost my metabolism? As I’ve gotten older, it has slowed to a screeching halt.”
Studies show that, on average, folks tend to experience a 2 – 4% decrease in metabolic rate with each passing decade after the age of 20. What’s also interesting to note is that adults lose 3 – 8% of their muscle mass per decade after the age of 30.
“Boosting the metabolism” may very well be the “holy grail” of the fitness industry. And while there are several components to boosting a metabolism (exercise, non-exercise activity), at the end of the day the food you eat—or don’t eat—is the most significant part. For example, under-eating can lead to reduced metabolic rate. Meanwhile, certain metabolism-boosting foods and drinks help boost metabolic rate.
That is why we put together our top 5 five fat-burning foods and metabolism boosting foods:
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is principally made up of saturated fat (about 92%), with as much as 70% of that being a special type of fat called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). This makes coconut oil unique among dietary fats. You see, unlike the more common long-chain fats (LCFs), MCTs are easily burned for energy and are far less likely to be stored as fat.
In fact, MCTs are viewed as “functional” fats that provide a host of health benefits. They’ve been shown to lower body weight, improve markers of metabolic health, reduce abdominal fat, and improve insulin sensitivity. Coconut oil is a very rich source of this unique, health-promoting saturated fat.
Researchers have found consuming just 1 – 2 tablespoons daily of MCTs can elevate the metabolism by as much as 5%. The acute rise in calorie burning with MCTs results not only apply to short-term feeding studies. Research has shown this elevation in metabolism continues even over prolonged periods of time.16 What’s particularly interesting is that this increase in energy expenditure appears to be met by a subsequent increase in fat burning.
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The omega-3 fatty acids are “essential” fatty acids. That is, the body needs them yet cannot produce them on its own, so they must be obtained through diet and/or supplementation.
EPA and DHA are well-known for their beneficial effects on heart health, brain health, cognitive function, mood, eye health, and immune function. The benefits of EPA and DHA are far reaching, as they are integrated into the membranes of our cells.
Several recent studies have shown an increase in resting metabolic rate after supplementation with EPA and DHA in both young and older healthy adults. In one randomized, controlled trial, researchers found older women supplementing with fish oils (3g/day EPA and DHA) for 12 weeks experienced significant increases in resting metabolic rate, calorie expenditure during exercise, and fat burning both at rest and during exercise.
Even more, research has shown supplementation with fish oil may increase muscle mass, which is responsible for about 20% of resting metabolic rate and up to 80% of calorie expenditure during exercise. The best dietary sources of EPA and DHA are cold-water fatty fish such as:
- Anchovies
- Herring
- Sardines
- Salmon
3. Protein-Rich Foods
All foods you eat require calories to be burned to digest, absorb, and assimilate their nutrients. This is referred to as dietary-induced thermogenesis (DIT), the thermic effect of feeding (TEF), or what we like to call thermogenic burn.
There is a general consensus that protein stimulates thermogenic burn to a significantly greater extent than other macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat). In fact, protein-rich foods are estimated to boost metabolism by as much as 30%, whereas as fats and carbs are typically estimated to be in the 5 – 10% range.
This is what makes proteins one of the top metabolism-boosting foods. Protein-rich foods boost the metabolism THREE to SIX TIMES more than carbs or fats. This means you burn more calories each day when you consume a high-protein diet. It also means that protein-rich foods provide less metabolizable energy than carbs or fats. That is, your body is less likely to store calories from protein as fat.
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4. Resistant Starch
Resistant starch is so named because it is a non-digestible carbohydrate (i.e., fiber). The reason resistant starch have been long-considered one of the top metabolism-boosting foods is in its ability to increase satiety (feelings of fullness and satisfaction) and reduce food intake both short- and long-term. Research has also shown consumption of resistant starch increases fat burning, decreases fat storage, and improves insulin sensitivity.
That’s not all. Researchers speculate that resistant starch may also increase calorie expenditure. In addition, it may also promote weight loss and preserve calorie-burning muscle. Not surprisingly, the resistant starch has been hyped by the popular press as a “weight loss wonder food.”
The content of resistant starch in food is highly influenced by preparation and processing techniques. Generally speaking, the following are good sources of resistant starch:
- Green, unripe bananas
- Uncooked, rolled oats
- Potatoes that have been cooked then cooled
- Rice that has been cooked then cooled
- White beans that have been cooked then cooled
- Lentils that have been cooked then cooled
5. Coffee and Tea
Coffee is one of the world’s most consumed drinks, trailing only water and tea. Of course, coffee is synonymous with caffeine, and there may be a host of benefits—including its place one of the top metabolism-boosting foods.
For instance, studies show coffee consumption significantly increases metabolic rate. In fact, consuming as little as 100mg of caffeine, which you can get from a single cup of coffee, is enough to boost metabolic rate. And it appears repeated ingestion and/or greater amounts lead to an even more pronounced effect. What’s particularly interesting is that this increase in resting metabolic rate is accompanied by greater oxidation of fat. Simply put, coffee and caffeine can help boost metabolic rate and increase fat burning.
If coffee isn’t your, well, cup of tea, then you may be able to reap similar metabolism-boosting benefits from tea. Studies consistently show that green tea, which contains the catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), increases metabolic rate and the body’s use of fat for fuel. Effects that are independent of its caffeine content. EGCG appears to work by inhibiting enzymes that can shut down important fat-burning hormones (i.e., norepinephrine), thereby stoking the body’s fat-burning furnace.
In one study measuring 24-hour calorie expenditure and fat burning, healthy men supplementing with a green tea extract providing 90mg EGCG three times daily experienced a 4% increase in metabolic rate and 3.4% decrease in respiratory exchange ratio (RER). In other words, they were burning more fat to meet the increased demand in calories.
BONUS: 6. Whey Protein
Known for its ability to help you lose fat, boost metabolism, add lean muscle tone, control your appetite and manage body weight, whey protein is an excellent choice to help you meet your health goals.
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