Surprising New Research on How We Age (Plus 7 Pillars to Slow the Process)

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Everybody ages from the moment they’re born. When we’re young, many of us want to speed up the clock and age faster—counting off the days until we’re in the next grade, earn that driver’s license (freedom!), graduate, or perhaps legally drink. That quickly comes to a screeching halt. By the time most of us hit our late (or even early) twenties, we’re working hard to slow the aging process. How we age and how we can age better are intriguing questions, and new research is providing surprising answers.

For instance, did you know we don’t age at a steady, predicted pace? Instead, according to new research from Standford Medicine, aging occurs in two significant bursts rather than gradually over time. Those ages? 44 and 60. These periods are marked by substantial molecular and metabolic shifts that help explain changes in both our health and physical abilities.

Aging Bursts and Their Impact

The study found the body undergoes key changes to metabolism at these significant ages. For instance, our ability to metabolize caffeine decreases around the age of 40 and then again near 60. The same is true of our ability to metabolize alcohol. This may help explain why many people notice they react differently to these substances at different stages of life.

Michael Snyder, the chair of the Department of Genetics at Stanford and an author of the study, noted that these shifts have noticeable impacts. For example, many folks in their forties begin to experience muscle injuries. They may also see greater accumulation of fat, potentially due to changes in fat metabolism. Around the age of 60, the natural decline in muscle mass can become more pronounced. In addition, the proteins that hold tissues together change over time, which impacts the skin and muscles as well as the cardiovascular system.

The risk of disease, including cardiovascular disorders, kidney issues, and type 2 diabetes, also increases significantly after the age of 60. Interestingly, the study explored the impact of menopause on these changes. Yet, when analyzing separate male and female datasets, the researchers discovered similar patterns, suggesting the transitions are common for both sexes after around 55 years old.

So, how can we take control of these bursts and make strides toward healthier aging? Let’s dive into the seven pillars to help slow the aging process and stay vibrant and youthful, inside and out.

Pillar 1: Healthy Diet—Fuel Your Body with the Right Nutrients

One of the most important factors for slowing down the aging process is what you put into your body. A diet that’s rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, quality proteins, and hydration can significantly impact how we age.

  • Quality Protein: Getting enough quality protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass and supporting cellular repair. Unfortunately, as we age, we’re less likely to consume enough protein (nearly 50% of people over 50 don’t consume enough protein). Choose high-quality protein sources like lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, dairy, and protein powders. Protein is crucial for preserving muscle strength and function, particularly as we age and become more susceptible to muscle loss. Remember, strength is one of the keys to not only a long life but an extended health span.
  • Antioxidant-Rich Foods: Making vegetables and fruits a staple in your daily diet is another way to age more healthfully. The antioxidants found in these foods combat oxidative stress, which can lead to cell damage and accelerated aging. Berries, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds are all excellent options to support youthful-looking skin and overall health.
  • Healthy fats: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts, help reduce excess inflammation and support a healthy heart as well as more elastic skin.
  • Hydration: Drinking plenty of pure, clean water is vital for maintaining skin hydration, flushing out toxins, supporting organ function, and more. Aim for at least eight glasses a day to help maintain optimal function.

A nutrient-rich diet isn’t just about looking good. It’s about feeling good from the inside out.

Pillar 2: Regular Exercise—Keep Your Body in Motion

Staying active is one of the best ways to keep both your body and mind youthful. Incorporate a variety of physical activities into your routine to benefit different aspects of your health.

  • Strength training: Lifting weights, performing bodyweight exercises, or using resistance bands helps maintain (and hopefully gain) muscle mass and bone density, which decline with age unless you take action to prevent it. It’s never too late (or too early) to get in shape, and we provide a number of great workout plans to help you reach your goals.
  • Cardiovascular exercise: Walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, cycling, etc., all improve circulation, boost energy levels, and help promote heart and brain health.
  • Flexibility and balance training: As we get older, the risk of falling increases. Again, these changes aren’t inevitable. With regular balance training, such as yoga, tai chi, or even standing on one leg as you brush your teeth or do dishes, you can dramatically reduce the risk of falls.

Combining strength, cardio, and flexibility training in a balanced workout routine can help keep your body feeling and functioning at its best.

how we age dumbbell press

Pillar 3: Skincare Routine—Protect and Nourish Your Skin

The skin is one of the most visible markers of aging. Following a consistent skincare routine can help protect and nourish your skin. That includes:

  • Sun protection: Excessive sun exposure is the leading cause of premature aging. Use a quality sunscreen daily to shield your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Moisturizing: Keeping your skin hydrated with a moisturizer suited to your skin type and climate can help you maintain youthful elasticity.
  • Skincare products: Different skincare products that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, peptides, and vitamin C may help reduce fine lines and improve skin texture.

Pillar 4: Healthy Habits—Little Changes with Big Impacts

Daily habits can significantly influence how we age. Here are just a few essential reminders:

  • Avoid smoking: Smoking accelerates aging by damaging cells. Plus, it promotes wrinkles.
  • Limit alcohol: Excessive alcohol intake can dehydrate the skin and cause increased levels of inflammation, which contributes to premature aging.
  • Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for cellular repair, energy levels, recovery, and healthy aging. Shoot for 7 to 9 hours every night.

How we age, sleep

Pillar 5: Stress Management—for a Calm Body and Mind

Stress has a direct impact on how we age. Chronic stress can contribute to excess inflammation, immune dysfunction, lowered mood, and decreased cognitive performance. To help combat stress in our everyday lives:

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation, such as deep breathing, yoga, and meditation.
  • Connect with friends and loved ones: a support network is vital for mental health. Make time to spend with friends and family, volunteer, or chat with friendly folks at the market. To connect and grow with like-minded fitness enthusiasts, join our VIP community on Facebook.

Health Benefits of Daily Meditation to enhance brain power and improve how we age

Pillar 6: Mental Stimulation—Keep Your Brain Sharp

Your brain needs mental (and physical) exercise to stay sharp. In addition to your regular exercise program, engage in stimulating activities to help maintain cognitive function.

  • Lifelong Learning: Engage in puzzles, reading, learning a new skill, playing music, or learning a new language to keep your mind active and healthy.
  • Stay Socially Active: Social interaction boosts mental health and reduces dementia risk.

Social Support and Fitness Resolutions for a healthy fitness lifestyle to support how we age

Pillar 7: Positive Mindset—The Power of Perspective

A positive outlook can have a powerful impact on aging. Embrace a growth mindset and focus on the positives. A pro-aging attitude can have a powerfully positive effect on how we age! In addition, it can help to develop a:

  • Gratitude Practice: Regularly reflecting on what you’re grateful for enhances emotional well-being and helps maintain a positive attitude toward aging.
  • Goal-Setting Practice: Achieving personal goals, no matter how small, helps maintain enthusiasm for life and gives you something to pursue and celebrate.

The Power of Gratitude Journal for how we age

How We Age Takeaways

Aging is a natural part of life, and understanding that it occurs in bursts opens opportunities to proactively manage how we age. By incorporating these seven pillars, you can take control and help slow the clock, embracing each stage with greater vitality and strength. Start taking action today to shape your aging journey and make every year your best one yet!