Ask the Coaches: What’s the Best Time to Work Out?

best time to work out

We were recently asked a great question by one of our VIP members, and it’s likely a question on many of your minds: “What’s the best time to work out?” The thing is, the answer to this question is going to vary from person to person and is based on a lot of different factors. So, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of working out at various times of the day.

Benefits of Morning Workouts

Wake up and work out: if this sounds like a great mantra and you’re an early bird, then this might be the perfect time for you to exercise. This could be your ideal time if:

  • Your days become extremely busy.
  • Your schedule tends to be unpredictable.
  • You need some “me” time first thing for mental clarity.
  • You want to jump-start your metabolism first thing.

Morning workouts can be great for you if you’re not opposed to getting up several hours (or at least an hour) early. Completing your workout before the demands of a busy daily schedule kick in is a smart choice. Plus, you boost your metabolism right away, keeping it revved up for the rest of the day. Moreover, you set yourself up for weight loss and fitness success when you make your workout a priority and finish it early.


  • You’re less likely to skip your workout if it’s the first thing you do each day.
  • You get your exercise done so it doesn’t get pushed aside as other priorities crop up throughout the day.
  • Great for doing fasted cardio and fat-loss routines.


  • If you press “snooze” one too many times, you’ll miss your window of opportunity to work out and could end up missing often.
  • If your goal is fasted exercise, you might feel less energized or even sluggish in the early morning.
  • Your body will probably take longer to wake up and get going as you may tend to wake up stiff and may need the extra time to warm up and get your circulation going.

best time to work out

Benefits of Mid-Day Workouts

Many people—as long as they can fit it into their schedules—like to crush a workout mid-day. This is great for you if:

  • You’re busy both mornings and evenings.
  • Your schedule has the flexibility.
  • You want to ward off energy slumps.
  • You want to put that lunch break to good use.

Afternoon workouts are ideal for those who need to take a break and get away, taking time to clear their heads. When you incorporate mid-day exercise, you can return to your tasks feeling revitalized, focused, and ready to tackle whatever might come your way. Plus, you’ll fend off the drowsiness that can often creep up after lunch.


  • It’s the perfect time to lift weights and go for strength gains since your body is strong in the afternoons and evenings.
  • It’s also a great time for workouts that require maximum performance and endurance.
  • And, it’s a wonderful way to break up your day, work off steam, and come back to your daily tasks feeling refreshed.


  • You might not have time for meals as this might be your lunch break.
  • Workouts may be abbreviated due to time constraints.
  • If the fitness facility is crowded, it could be hard to get to the equipment.

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Benefits of Evening Workouts

While morning and lunchtime workouts are certainly popular, you’ll see a lot of gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts working out in the evenings. This could be the best time to work out for you if:

  • You need more time for your exercise program.
  • You like to de-stress after your day.
  • You’re more of a night person.
  • You feel stronger in the evenings.

Since your body is thoroughly warmed up by the end of the day, it’s a great time to push your limits and go all out on your workouts. Your body is also primed for strength training at this time, so it’s a good time to make use of dopamine and endorphins released through exercise. Just make sure to give yourself an hour or two to calm down before going to bed.


  • Great for stress relief and clearing your head after a tough day.
  • Open-ended time to work out when trying to fit workouts into a schedule.
  • It’s the perfect time for strength and muscle gains since your body is strong in the afternoons and evenings.
  • You’ll feel nice and relaxed after your workout and be able to ease into your bedtime routine.

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  • Life and social or family obligations can derail your workout time.
  • You may be too tired to work out at the end of a long day—especially if your work went long.
  • There might not be enough time to cool down before bed, leaving you too energized to sleep.

best time to work out

So, what is the best time for you to work out? Consider all the factors discussed above. When do you typically feel the strongest and most energized? What does your schedule look like? How long are your workouts, and can they fit within your available time? Are you a morning person or more of a night owl? Do you have numerous evening activities that might prevent you from getting in your exercise? Are you meeting a partner? 

All these factors and more should go into your decision about the best time to work out for you. And don’t be afraid to adjust your times to see what works or to make exercise fit into your schedule.

And, of course, you already know this… but the best time to work out? Whenever you’re actually going to get it done! Remember that consistency and commitment will be the biggest ingredients in your success.

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