Fountain of Youth Fitness: 3 Step Anti-Aging Exercise Regimen

Do you want the real secret to the fountain of youth? It’s exercise! Yes, great nutrition, restful sleep, proper supplementation, and adequate hydration all play a part, but if you want the real anti-aging exercise formula, we’ve put together a compilation of the three most important areas to hit.
Step 1: Cardiovascular Exercise
Become great friends with cardiovascular exercise. Not only will it raise your metabolism, clear your head, and boost your mood, but you’ll have a stronger heart to show for it.
What Kinds of Cardio Should You Do?
Okay, so cardio is on the list. Now what? What forms of cardio are best for anti-aging? Studies show that HIIT cardio is one of the very best types of aerobic exercise you can do to stay young. HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. What does that mean? It means you do short bursts of all-out effort followed by longer periods of slower movement where you catch your breath and your heart rate comes back down into a normal range.
A HIIT workout might look something like this:
- 15-second jog, run, or sprint (depending on your fitness level), immediately followed by
- 1 minute of walking to bring the heart rate back to normal
Repeat this sequence ten times. Finish with a five-minute cool-down walk.
Include this type of cardiovascular training two to three times a week for optimal results. Not only will your heart thank you, but you’ll probably see some nice body-fat loss along with greater cardiovascular capabilities.
Step 2: Resistance Training
The next thing you really need to include in your anti-aging exercise program is resistance training. Resistance training means working with weight against gravity or some form of resistance. So, whether you use weights, exercise machines, or your own body weight, strength training (aka, resistance training or weightlifting) should be one of your go-to forms of exercise.
Step 3: Flexibility Training
Think of a young sapling versus an old oak tree. Which one do you picture as being more flexible in a storm? If you’re like most folks, you probably pictured the old tree being inflexible and possibly breaking in the wind, whereas you most likely saw the sapling easily bending and swaying, popping back up with ease and flexibility. So it is with our bodies as we get older if we don’t work on staying flexible.
Anti-Aging Exercise Regimen
Monday: Upper Body Resistance Training
Pick one to two exercises for each body part and do 10 – 12 repetitions for a total of 3 sets for each body part. Then move onto the next body part. For example:
- Chest—do 3 sets of 10 – 12 push-ups and rest 2 minutes between each set.
- Back—do 10 – 12 repetitions of a lat pulldown exercise. Repeat 3 times.
- Biceps—do 3 sets of biceps curls for 10 – 12 repetitions for each arm.
- Triceps—do 3 sets of cable triceps pushdowns for 10 – 12 repetitions each.
- Shoulders—do 3 sets of dumbbell side lateral raises for 10 – 12 repetitions each.
Tuesday: HIIT Cardio & Flexibility Training
Start with your five-minute warm-up and then progress to ten rounds of HIIT training with your choice of activity, such as sprints, stationary bike, rowing, or jump roping.
Mobility and Flexibility—include these stretches in your workout program after your cardio training so you are sufficiently warmed up.
Pigeon Stretch
This great hip opener will help release tightness and increase your overall flexibility. Start on your hands and knees. Bend your knee and bring your right leg up in front of you. Slide your right foot across and behind your left hand so your leg is bent and under your chest. Let your hips drop back and lean forward, stretching your arms out in front of you so your chest rests on your bent right leg. Feel a great stretch through your hips. Hold this stretch for a few moments and then repeat on the opposite side.
Hanging Hamstring Stretch
This great stretch will help lengthen and loosen your hamstring muscles. Start by standing with your feet about hip-width apart. Cross your arms in front of you and then lean forward at the hips until your torso hangs freely. If you want to and are able to, stretch your arms out and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Gently swing side to side, feeling a good stretch through your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.
Shoulder Over and Back Stretch
Definitely include this exercise in your routine on a regular basis. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Take a resistance band and grab one end in each hand. With your arms extended out to your sides, lift your arms up and over your head, bringing the band behind your body as far as you can. Bring it back up and forward again and repeat.
Leg Swings
This movement will also help loosen your hips. Grab onto something like a chair or countertop for stability. Keep your feet about hip-width apart and lift your right leg up, gently swing it forward and back while keeping your knee straight. Do ten full forward and backward swings before changing directions. You can also do circles with your leg for added mobility. Complete the right side and then switch to the left leg and repeat.
Wednesday: Lower Body and Ab Resistance Training
Pick one to two exercises for each body part and do 10 – 12 repetitions for a total of 3 sets for each body part. Then move onto the next body part. For example:
- Hamstrings—do 3 sets of lying hamstring curls for 10 – 12 repetitions each.
- Quads—do 3 sets of body squats for a total of 10-12 repetitions for each set.
- Calves—do 3 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions of seated calf raises with weight.
- Abs—do 3 sets of crunches, 10 repetitions each and hold the crunch for a few moments at the top of each movement before releasing the tension and returning to the starting position.
Thursday: HIIT Cardio and Flexibility Exercises
Start with your five-minute warm-up and then progress to ten rounds of HIIT training with your choice of activity.
Repeat the exercises from Tuesday for mobility and flexibility.
Friday: Upper Body Resistance Training
Pick 1 to 2 exercises for each body part and do 10 – 12 repetitions for a total of 3 sets for each body part. Then move onto the next body part. For example:
- Chest—do 3 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions of dumbbell presses and rest 2 minutes between each set.
- Back—do 10 – 12 repetitions of a rowing exercise. Repeat 3 times.
- Biceps—do 3 sets of dumbbell kickbacks for 10 – 12 repetitions each.
- Shoulders—do 3 sets of seated dumbbell presses for 10 – 12 repetitions each.
Adding these three forms of anti-aging exercise, combined with a healthy diet plan, into your lifestyle consistently will help you not only look but feel younger, stronger, and fitter. And that’s the real secret to a long, healthy life!