Continuing to Transform from the Inside Out: Danielle Edwards Inspiring Journey

When Danielle Edwards started the latest BioTRUST Fitspiration Challenge, she had a simple yet powerful goal: to get closer to her ultimate fitness goals and tone up along the way. “Goal setting was very important,” Danielle explains, “because it gave me something to focus on and to push myself toward.”
That said, every transformation story—whether physical, mental, or emotional—comes with its own challenges. For Danielle, it was staying consistent. It’s not always easy, even with such a powerful goal. Fortunately, she had strong support. Her boyfriend not only held her accountable. He set his own goals and worked alongside her to achieve them. Danielle shares, “He helped keep me in check—encouraging me to go to the gym, do my workouts, and eat better.”
In addition to her boyfriend, Danielle was driven by the BioTRUST VIP Group on Facebook. “The motivation from the group helped encourage me and keep me pushing forward,” she adds.
Even through life’s ups and downs, Danielle was able to push forward. “There were days when I didn’t have the energy or didn’t want to do it, but I kept going,” she says. That perseverance has paid off in several ways.
Today, Danielle feels great! Happy, healthy, and fit—and so much more energetic. After losing a jaw-dropping 18 pounds in just eight weeks over this recent Challenge, she’s now down an inspiring 123 pounds from her highest weight. She also lost inches while building strength.
And she’s not stopping now. “I’m still pushing forward every day to get to my end goals. I want to lose another 5 pounds to reach my ‘happy place,’” she says.
The physical changes have impacted every part of her life. As a personal trainer and HIIT (high-intensity interval training) instructor, Danielle is now using her energy and the confidence she’s built to inspire others. “Getting more fit, toned, and dropping some pounds has made my job a lot easier! Everyone around me notices the changes and wants to know how I did it.”
When asked what advice she has for others considering taking a similar challenge, Danielle offers these words of wisdom: “Take one day at a time. Don’t try to take on too many changes at once, or you’ll overwhelm yourself and could end up throwing in the towel. Start with baby steps. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Diets are temporary; lifestyle is forever. And as Nike says, ‘Just do it!’”
So, what’s next for Danielle? She plans to lose the last five pounds and continue to inspire others through her journey. “Every day, I strive to be the best me I can be—both in my job and in my life,” she concludes.
If Danielle can do it, so can you! Join our VIP Facebook group for daily motivation, accountability, and support. And don’t miss your chance to join our next Challenge. Your transformation story is waiting to be written—why not start today?