Low-Impact Cardio Workout in Under 20 Minutes

A great workout doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Almost anyone can fit a low-impact cardio workout into their schedule, especially when it’s a quick 20-minute session. IMHO, if you don’t have 20 minutes to improve your health, then you’re just not that serious about it.
And, on the flip side, if you’re worried that 20 minutes isn’t enough, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of a few quick workouts a week.
Why Are Cardiovascular Workouts Important?
Cardiovascular workouts help you burn fat and keep your heart strong and healthy. When you do aerobic exercise, you get your circulation going, and that means nourishing blood is brought to all areas of your body for repair and replenishment.
Additionally, aerobic workouts are proven to help improve the immune system, help you sleep better, boost your mood, and keep your brain sharp. Adding it to your regular exercise routine is just plain smart.
Why Are Low-Impact Workouts Important?
A low-impact workout is important to help protect your joints and ligaments. As you continue to work out throughout life, your body can take a pounding. Limiting movements that are jarring on your joints (like running, jumping, bouncing) and, instead, sticking with programs that allow you to keep at least one foot on the floor at a time is a wonderful idea.
Low-impact workouts are also paramount for those recovering from injury or just getting back into the workout scene.
Try These Three Low-Impact Cardio Workouts?
Yes, of course, you can walk, bike, row, do the elliptical, or swim, but a low-impact cardio workout is fun and unique while providing you an excellent yet quick aerobic and strengthening workout!
1. Low-Impact Tabata Cardio Workout
“Tabata” is an exercise style that involves doing eight sets of an exercise with max effort, followed by a brief rest. This is what it would look like:
- Set 1: 20 seconds of body squats
- 10 seconds of rest
- Set 1: 20 seconds of body squats
- 10 seconds of rest
- Set 1: 20 seconds of body squats
- 10 seconds of rest
- Set 1: 20 seconds of body squats
- 10 seconds of rest
- Set 1: 20 seconds of body squats
- 10 seconds of rest
- Set 1: 20 seconds of body squats
- 10 seconds of rest
- Set 1: 20 seconds of body squats
- 10 seconds of rest
- Set 1: 20 seconds of body squats
- 10 seconds of rest
Tabata is a great workout because it allows you to get in an effective workout in a very short period of time. It’s actually finished in way less than 20 minutes with a typical session lasting only about 8 minutes.
2. Low-Impact HIIT Cardio Workout
If you’re doing a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout on a stationary bike, it suddenly becomes a low-impact, highly effective fat-burning workout. And if you don’t have access to a cycle, you can use any piece of equipment.
Like Tabata, you’ll be doing sequences of hard work followed by a slower pace. Start with a five-minute warm-up. Next, crank up the level on the bike (or whatever piece of equipment you’re using). Go relatively hard for 15 seconds and then very slowly for 45 seconds. Repeat this for 10 minutes and end with a 5-minute cooldown.
3. Low-Impact Yoga Cardio Workout
And, last but certainly not least is yoga. Yoga can be as challenging or as gentle as you want to make it, and not all yoga is a walk in the park. Ashtanga yoga and Vinyasa yoga are fast-paced forms of yoga you can do that will get your heart rate up, burn tons of calories, and also strengthen your muscles. You can also try a combination of practices called Power yoga. Here is a 20-minute sequence you can try:
1. Sun Salutations to Forward Fold
Start by standing on a yoga mat with your feet about hip-width apart and your arms by your sides. Breathe in and raise your arms out to your sides and up over your head, touching your palms overhead as you straighten your arms. Look up as you move into this position. Pause for a moment and then swing your arms down, bend forward, and place your palms on the floor (or on your knees, based on your flexibility). Repeat this sequence ten times.
2. Downward Facing Dog to Plank
From your last Sun Salutation, move into the Downward Facing Dog position. Place your hands and feet on the mat and raise your hips straight into the air, so your body forms an upside-down V. Keep your fingers wide, legs straight, and head relaxed. Next, bring your hips down so your back and legs form a straight line. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat this sequence ten times.
3. Chaturanga to Upward-Facing Dog
Lastly, move back into your plank pose. Do five pushups from this position (you can also lower your knees) and then go immediately into Upward-Facing Dog position by straightening your legs and getting off your toes, so the tops of your feet are now on the mat, bringing your hips to the ground and pushing up with your arms until they are straight. Repeat this sequence ten times.
You can pick your favorite, or rotate through these workouts throughout the week. Whichever low-impact cardio workout you choose, you’ll find that in just 20 minutes or less, you can get your heart is beating, work up a sweat, and torch some serious calories—all without stressing your joints.