Partner Workouts—Couples Who Train Together Stay Together

When it comes to working out, why go solo? Partner workouts have proven that couples who train together tend to stay together. Get ready for the dynamic duo experience!
It doesn’t matter who your workout partner is, working out with someone else can amp up your workout, boost your motivation, and keep energy high for both of you. So, grab your partner (or even a friend, neighbor, or relative) and dive into these fun partner workouts that will spice up your gym routine!
What Are Some of the Benefits of Partner Workouts?
Not only do workouts with a sidekick help you solidify your bond, partner workouts have a lot of benefits, including:
Accountability—Probably first and foremost, your partner is built-in accountability. When you sit down and set goals together, you’re also promising to show up for each other to achieve those goals. You’re much less likely to skip a workout if you have a partner waiting on you and you need each other to get your exercises done.
Quality Time—Finding time together can be next to impossible when you’re in the midst of the daily grind. Training together provides a great outlet for stress while allowing you to work closely with each other, supporting and encouraging one another through every repetition. It gives you the chance to communicate, and there’s also plenty of time for light banter and perhaps some flirting between sets!
Lots of Exercise Choices—When it comes to partner workouts, they don’t have to be boring. You can choose from partner bodyweight exercises, strength training for two, or fun yoga and mobility exercises, stretching, and flexibility moves where a partner can really enhance the effectiveness of the exercises. And don’t forget how much more engaging your cardio sessions can be when you chat with a friend or partner.
Stay Motivated Together—It’s much easier to strive for a goal when you have an inspiring partner by your side. There’s something special about working toward and achieving goals together as a couple, which helps build a solid bond. The boost in endorphins you get by exercising will also help enhance your good feelings toward your partner. Your shared vision for a healthy future and the tough sweat sessions you go through together can help you both stay motivated and on track.
You’ll Push Yourself More—according to the folks at Orange Theory Fitness, when you work out with a partner, you go a little heavier, you push a little harder, you run a little faster. Why? It’s the simple fact that you have your partner by your side, and they help give you the extra energy and confidence you need to do your best and make improvements. And a little healthy competition doesn’t hurt either.
Try Some of These Fun Partner Workouts
Nothing beats the buddy system when it comes to getting your sweat on! These exercises are designed for you and your partner to dive into together, ensuring you both enjoy the perks of exercising while supporting each other, literally and figuratively.
Most of these exercises involve a fun set of repetitions, during which one partner takes the spotlight, and the other takes on the role of a trusty assistant. Once you’ve completed your turn, swap places, and let your partner shine while you motivate them. It’s all about teamwork, having a great time, and getting it done.
Resistance Band Squats: While you’re both facing forward, place a resistance band around your right ankle while your partner secures it around their left ankle. Next, move apart until the band is taut between you. Perform a set of 10 body squats, then switch sides, and repeat with the band on opposite ankles.
Jump Rope Challenge—You can do this with your partner or add a few friends to make it extra challenging. Take turns with a jump rope and see who can jump the longest without missing a beat. You can also set fun milestones—maybe a special reward for the longest jumper or the most creative jump!
Assisted Pull-Ups: With this normally tough exercise, it becomes possible for everyone because your partner can lend a helping hand, providing light support under their partner’s legs as they move through the pull-up. This makes the exercise a fun partner activity and turns what could be a challenging movement into a supportive and motivating experience. As they pull together, they’ll find that over time, both partners will build impressive upper body strength.
Partner-Assisted Stretching—This is an exercise where two are definitely better than one. With this technique, one partner gently assists the other in a variety of stretches. Not only does this collaborative effort give you a deeper stretch, but it also promotes connection, making the experience enjoyable. And as a bonus, over time, you’ll notice an improvement in flexibility and a significant reduction in muscle tightness.
Partner Push-Ups: This exercise works your entire upper body and core and puts a fun spin on the same-old-same-old. Begin in a push-up position, side by side. Lower your chest toward the ground, then as you push up, lift your outside hand to twist toward your partner and high-five each other. Return your hand to the standard push-up position. Repeat 5 – 10 times, then switch positions so you can both work the opposite side.
Partner Yoga Poses—When done with a partner, yoga poses can be a lot of fun, sometimes even resulting in some much-needed laughter. Think about doing poses like double downward dog, where both partners support each other in an upside-down formation. Or, try seated forward folds where you’re both seated, facing each other with feet touching. Grasp your hands and take turns gently pulling the other person forward as the other partner leans back. Don’t forget the back-to-back twists, where you can lean into each other’s energy, aligning your breaths and enhancing your flexibility.
Abs Leg Push: Start by lying with your back flat on the floor and your arms at your sides, palms down. Next, keeping your legs straight, raise them into the air. Your partner should stand behind your head, and as you lift your legs, they should gently push your feet back toward the floor.
Above all, don’t forget to relax and have fun! Enjoy your sacred workout time together.