As we get older, many of us are increasingly concerned with how old we look—with an emphasis on the appearance…
More Articles by Sue Mosebar, Editor-in-Chief
Q: I have had some issues with my digestive system, and my nutritionist recommended I try to get more probiotics…
While many people choose to go diary-free due to allergies, dietary rules, or simply because they heard they should, there’s…
To carb or not to carb, that seems to be the question. Some diets restrict (or control) carbs, others all…
We often talk about the importance of getting enough good sleep. You likely already know you should be getting between…
Q: I’m trying to get more omega-3 healthy fats, so I’ve been eating more fish. Unfortunately, the fresh fish I’ve…
Taco Tuesday! It has become one of the most beloved days of the week. Who doesn’t love a taco? They’re…
While the ketogenic diet (or, “keto” for short) is on the verge of celebrating its 100th birthday, its popularity and…
Flour—made from wheat—has been a major staple in most people’s diets for generations. And if you like “interesting facts,” you…
Regardless of which diet camp you belong to—Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean, vegetarian, or otherwise—you have probably seen some contradictory, if not…