You’ve made it! You’ve survived more than half a century, and you’re only getting better. Sure, every new decade brings…
“Shake it off” is a common expression after you’ve had a fall, disappointment, or loss. It’s a way of telling…
Good morning, sunshine! Isn’t it a great morning to be alive?! Wait, you say you’re not feeling it? In fact,…
Out of the 13 essential vitamins, vitamin C had become a superstar, rapidly rising in the ranks in the wellness…
Energy levels ebb and flow throughout the day. At times, you may feel energized and excited for the next project,…
Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Are you feeling tired and grumpy? It could be…
If you’re human, you’ve likely had a pimple, blackhead, whitehead, or other types of blemishes pop up on your face…
While the most sought-after goal of a fitness and nutrition program often seems to be “weight loss,” isn’t the real…
After some internal back and forth, I decided that since we are all friends here, and so many of you…
Nut-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, grain-free… -free seems to be the way to go when trying to pick out healthy foods. These…