The protein hype is here, and it’s here to stay—for good reason. Protein is a key building block of good…
Earthing, also called “grounding” or “barefoot walking,” is one of the latest crazes to dominate the health scene. It may…
If you cook regularly at home (or you’re actively striving to cook at home more), congratulations! You’re making a great…
Are you consuming enough fiber? Chances are, even if you eat healthy, the answer is, “Not even close!” And it…
You love to exercise and you love to bike, but which one is better—taking a class or getting outside? Some…
By now I think we’ve all heard of the Beyond Burger™ and the Impossible™ Burger, and if you haven’t, I…
What is a flexitarian? flex·i·tar·i·an /ˌflek-sə-ˈter-ē-ən noun: flexitarian; plural noun: flexitarians As defined by the Oxford Dictionary, “a person who…
No two people have the exact same fingerprint. This is one of the many things that makes us unique. Another…
Everyone can appreciate a nice sleek core, but how, exactly, do you get tight abs quickly? What Are Abs? What…
For some folks, the act of tailgating is the highlight of the game. As a Redskins fan, the games are…