The short answer is probably no. Alcohol and diet don’t mix. Sorry for being a buzzkill. Okay, the real answer…
Q: Coaches, I’m so tired of waking up sore in the mornings. Even if I haven’t had a hard workout,…
The holiday season is wonderful—especially as it brings family and friends together. It’s also a time for self-reflection as the…
You likely already know what fasting is—you don’t eat for a set period of time. Dry fasting takes it a…
Are you crazy…or just stupid?! That’s how my wife greeted me this morning as I walked in the house from…
If you’re like most people, you want to lose a couple of pounds of fat, at least, maybe much more….
When it comes to losing weight, there are so many recommendations: Move more (walk, run, do HIIT/interval training, lift weights)….
Q: Coaches, I have a bit of an embarrassing issue—I can’t seem to beat the bloat. I started eating more…
As Summer passes the baton to Fall, it’s time to start preparing for the cold and flu season. Although the…
As Summer passes the baton to Fall, it’s time to start preparing for the cold and flu season. Although the…