If you’ve been paying attention to your newsfeed the last couple of weeks, you might have noticed coconut oil in…
Are you feeling run down and stressed? Do you feel tired but wired? Do you have trouble falling asleep or…
We’ve all dealt with muscle cramps at some time or another, but did you ever stop to consider the causes…
Whether you like it or not, you are a superhero. Better said, the people around you expect heroic actions from…
Are you a definite tea drinker or a bona-fide coffee person? Would finding out one is better than the other…
Q: I love peanut butter. I regularly add it to my BioTrust Low-Carb shakes for a decadent yet healthy treat….
When it comes to health, nutrition, and weight loss, there are a lot of myths and downright misinformation out there….
Hey, friends! It’s Coach Josh here, BioTrust co-founder, and if you have been searching for a guaranteed way to lose…
Less restful sleep, waking up much earlier than normal, or falling asleep before the “early bird” specials or during an…
If you like piña coladas… but without the weight gain. If you’re not much into health food…but like drinking champagne….